Current Members


I’ve had a lab at IBDM since 2005, supported by a CNRS Researcher position (CR1/CRCN, now CRHC since 2022). The team has received several competitive grants, including: ANR, FRM Equipe, AFM, the Australian FSHD global organization and the FSH society.

As of january 2024, we will be affiliated to the team of Robert KELLY at IBDM, continuing our research, supported by CNRS and the MARMARA Institute at AMU.

Prior to my appointment at CNRS/IBDM, I was a Post-doctoral fellow at the Max-Plank Institute of Neurobiology, in Munich (Germany), in the lab of Dr. Rüdiger Klein (2000-2004). Before this, I completed a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology in 1999 at the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC, Paris 6), conducting research work in the Lab of Patrick Charnay at IBENS (1995-1999).

Publication list :

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Dominique FRAGANO, Lab Technician

I have been trained and worked as veterinary lab assistant.

I joined the IBDM in 2004 to work in the mouse facility, and became head of the platform.

I joined the Helmbacher lab as technician in 2015.

Charline YTIER, Master Student

01/2024: Welcome to Charline YTIER, who’s starting a Master 2 internship in the lab. Charline is a student from the Claude Bernard University in Lyon, enrolled in the Master 2 Program “Environmental and Muscle Physiology” following the option “Muscle physiology and pathologies”


You would like to join our team ?

Although we currently do not offer any specific position, we are always interested in welcoming enthusiastic young scientists in our group, at any stage of your career (undergrads, PhD, post-doc, researcher).  More information.